Sunday, July 31, 2011

Favorites from the past...

I won't have my new batch of crazies for another 2 weeks, so Kauri suggested I post some of my favorite stories from previous years... After 5 years in kindergarten, I have quite a few!  I'm going to attempt to capture in words exactly how each student talks... it will not be grammatically correct so use your imagination!

My favorite of all favorites happened this year. This past year was my first year in TN working in a very low-income, urban school.  I LOVE IT!!!  If you know me, you've probably heard this story and continue saying 'weina' at random inappropriate times like I do...
Background: My school uses a specific literacy/guided reading curriculum written by a 50-ish year old white woman named Dr. Taylor (I changed her name, I don't want to get in trouble!).  She visits our school a couple times a year and works with teachers and does model lessons in classrooms.  She did 2 model lessons in my classroom this year with my highest reading group.  She's a little stiff and very regimented... I'm not.  Hopefully she won't ever read this.  :)
Story:  Dr. Taylor was beginning a model lesson for her second visit to my classroom.  As she was sitting at my reading table with the group of 4 students, she instructed them to get out a book from their 'bag of books" and whisper read it while she got her materials out.  They all did an excellent job!  Of course, I was beaming because I was so proud of them!  Dr. Taylor then tells them , "Wow, you all are very good READERS!"  To which one of my funniest students (who is also very smart and doesn't miss a thing) responds to me with a very confused look, "WEINAS???  Miss Hall she call us weinas!!"  Dr. Taylor wasn't amused and corrected her with a simple, "readers".  I'm not that mature, and I lost it.  I might have laughed for a solid 10 minutes.  Every time I thought I had myself together I just kept repeating, "WEINAS?!" in my head and lost it again.  The other teachers watching the lesson giggled and composed themselves.... not me.

Another favorite...
Mr. Matt read to my kids a couple times this past year... they LOVED him.

So, any time I could use him or other familiar names in a modeled writing lesson I would.  They loved making connections to my friends and my life outside of school.  This particular story I wrote about involved Megan's 30th birthday party I went to over the weekend.  It was a costume party, and I was trying to draw everyone's costume. Matt came as a construction worker.  I tried to draw him with his hands on his hips looking 'constructiony'... oops
I was asked this question, "Miss Hall, why Mr. Matt got his hands down his pants?"
Then a chorus of , "EWWWS" broke out.  My bad.

My favorite writing from a few years ago... EPIC.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Well, school's about to start....

SO... I finally gave in and started a kindergarten blog.  I have to admit... I have some pretty dang funny stories!!!  After many friends' encouragement and the obvious comedic genius of stories I couldn't make up if I tried, I'm doing it!!!  Here goes...
I spent the day organizing and setting up my classroom for the NEW SCHOOL YEAR!!!!  I'm not really excited yet... that will happen next week.  Really, I'm just ticked I have to give up the first summer where I've been lazy and laid out at the pool and taken a couple of beach trips with girlfriends... and gotten lots done around my house (not completely unproductive)!
The 'back to school' dreams have already started...  dang it.
I'll update when I have more to share!
hugs and giggles
This is what I did today... plugged in the coffee maker (aside from 3 hrs of setting up my classroom).  This is still the most significant accomplishment!